3 hrs agoLiked by Walt King

Walt, you're a brave man, but: is it worth it?

I'll give another established fact. There is documentary evidence (discovered and published by David Irving) that Himmler murdered many Jews, and told the Nazi leadership what he was doing. We don't know how many. Maybe it was 6,000, maybe it was 600,000. Maybe some of them were gassed. Of course it wasn't 6 million, almost certainly it was less than the number of civilians Netanyahu will have killed in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran by the time he's done, but does it really matter? Is it worth risking your freedom, perhaps your life, to prove that Himmler "only" murdered 6 thousand instead of 6 million? He's still a mass murderer, and the other top Nazis were accessories to the crime.

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Well that is interesting. I haven't seen that, but if he gassed anybody I would be interested to know the where and how. The Zyklon and the "gas vans" can be dismissed as methods. I was really only dealing with Auschwitz which is where the attention seemed to be focussed and the evidence readily available.

And thank you for your concern, but I have no intention of spending any future time anywhere in the evil empire. They don't throw people in jail in China for Holocaust "denial".

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Oct 8Liked by Walt King


I do have one "objection," though:

“E pur si muove.” Galileo Galilei

That quote is spurious, while this one Galileo quote is well-documented:


Happy birthday!

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Ok, if you wish.

But my point in quoting that is that Galileo was supposed to have been trying to convince the religious rulers that on the available evidence, the earth moves around the sun.

Rather as I am trying to convince against the Holocaustianity faith that the Holocaust cannot be scientifically supported!

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A reader from Eastern Europe:

My purpose in posting what I did was to bring you an additional joy: namely, after you have presented to us a fruit of your honest labour, a piece of well-grounded historical revision, my guess was that you would be rather delighted with being shown in turn another well-grounded historical revision.

My takeaway lesson is to give more weight to the intercultural differences as described in Erin Meyer's "Culture Map."


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Oct 8Liked by Walt King


You are indeed a brave man. You are also thorough and methodical.

It is possible to control people by shame. If you can convince someone that they're bad, and publicly shame them, you have psychological control over them. They're easy to manipulate.

A key psychological tool of that manipulation is the Jewish holocaust. It's obvious to any onlooker that Jewish people use the holocaust as a cudgel to beat their political opponents into submission.

So there are two issues here: one is the facts of the Jewish holocaust, which Walt spells out. The other issue is the use of the Jewish holocaust - whether it happened as-reported or not - as a powerful psychological manipulation tool.

Read for yourself the facts that Walt King provides. Decide for yourself whether those facts square with the story of Jewish holocaust as the Jewish people report it.

For me, the most important realization is the facts of that psychological manipulation: the scale of it, the intensity, the systematic nature of it. It's a major program, and it's major and continuous because it works so well.

And so when courageous people stand up to this psychological manipulation, and decide - at great personal risk - to object, to debunk, and otherwise de-fang the psychological manipulation, I salute them. These are, indeed, some courageous people.

As the world watches in horror while the Israelis exterminate the Palestinians, it's important to note that the very people who - if indeed this Jewish holocaust did occur as-reported by the Jewish people - that very same Jewish people who should know the most about holocausts ... those very same people are deliberately implementing one of their very own.

That fact - what the Jewish people are doing to the Palestinians - that fact shreds what little remained of the holocaust political shield. The people that use that shield are at least badly misinformed, and many of them are very cynical opportunists.

If the Israelis truly are the cultivated, highly ethical people they claim to be, how can they do what they're doing? Clearly, most Israelis are _not_ what they present themselves to the world to be. Their actions directly contradict their public relations messaging.

The cynical opportunists, which I'll label the "Zionist - Neocon" cabal - are willing to go to any length, ruin entire countries, kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people, and are now actively provoking a world war which may become a nuclear war - in pursuit of their treasured myths, delusions of self-importance, and simple lust for power and wealth.

This Zionist-Neocon cultural psychosis has metastasized to the point it's a threat to human survival on this planet.

It's time to directly confront this psychosis, and this report on the salient facts of the Jewish holocaust is a good step in the right direction.

Thank you yet again, Walt King, for your courage.

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Oct 8Liked by Walt King

once again you have me rethinking my original understandings of this time in history. Thank you for the insights, it has opened my eyes once again.

Happy 80th Walter, and hope you celebrate through the month, especially continue having a blast with your wedding anniversary...cheers Norma xx

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Я люблю правду и ненавижу ложь. Спасибо Вам!

Продолжайте, вы смелый человек.

translation: I love the truth and hate lies. thank you!

Go on, you are a brave man.

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