Not sure if I am allowed to post here,

But here is a video of a guy looking into newspapers like NYT to show articles where they mention the magic number long before the war!

Since I read quite a lot and thus don’t recall where I read it (maybe even here), but the magic number apparently is some kind of prophecy that they will get their own nation. So if they have the magic number of casualties they get their own land.

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6MM questions?

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All evil roads lead to the kazerian cabal.

Funding and orchestrating mass killing.

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Suggestion: convert to Mohammedanism. It's a more plausible delusion.

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Suggestion: convert to Mohammedanism. It's a more plausible delusion.

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Banned for the crime of noticing.

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The longer i live the less i believe anything that goverments say! CV19 was a giant psyop, Gulf war 2 weapons of mass destruction psyop, 911 psyop,Gulf war 1 psyop,Etc,etc vietnam gulf of Tonkin,USS liberty sinking, landing on the moon,WWII pearl harbor,6 million jews,sinking of the Lusitania WWI,Spanish American war sinking of the maine! All bullshit False flag psyops! All gov.are consistant, they lie to their citizens even ours!

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Didn’t get past question 1. What is a ‘Troublesome minority’? Presumably you have no concept of demagoguery? Why were your four options the only ones?

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Methinks the issue will never be settled until an actual accounting has been done for each individual who was sucked into this system. Who went in…who went out…who died and how? Regardless of the math, the Nazis were evil and treated those under their control with demonic cruelty. No whitewash can ever cover these evil crimes.

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Where does it say that the writer wants to whitewash?

What is clearly being whitewashed in the west are the attrocities committed (g-word) by the Israeli.

Evil is not just limited to Nazis, many humans are capable of evil behavior if you create specific circumstances. And with respect to nazi germany: yes, they were definitely evil and wrong, but also other countries (france, uk, usa) who made it possible are to blame. But pointing to the holocaust and how bad Hitler was, removes the scrutiny of the countries and the people that made it possible. They got away with it.

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Would you care to explain how France, UK and US contributed to the Nazis being who they were?

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France and UK made Germany suffer after WW1, creating anger in the German society.

The Germans wanted to sign a treaty with Churchill, but he refused (the story goes that he had a huge debt and the us lenders didn’t want him to accept.

The usa came out of the great depression by building the military industrial complex. But you cannot sell weapons if there are no conflicts and you cannot sell more weapons if the existing ones are not used.

And we have ofcourse the money some came from the Morgan family. Many corporations were happy with the Germans. People like Henry Ford was an anti-semite and supporter the Germans.

But also Deterding (dutch), the CEO of Shell company supported the Germans (mostly out of anti communist sentiment as they had nationnalized his organization in russia).

Another aspect of the war was also fighting the communists and the mentioned countries were happy to see Germany to pickup that fight.

The one benefitting the most of the war efforts: the usa. A ‘limited’ number of cassualties (450.000 compared to the 27-35 million russians) and they made a lot of money.

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Excellent point but I suggest that these actions combined with the internal problems within Germany enabled them to gain control. Interestingly the Nazis were on the decline when the depression erupted…which changed the course of history. 👍

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Yes, but it opens another possibility: the germans were played by foreign countries to start the war?

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There is a cabal that does manipulate vast parts of the wall to set up conflict for profit. Fortunately I have a feeling are waking up.

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But I think there is much more involvement that is generally known. Hitler just didn’t wake up one morning and decided to invade poland (apparently the polish people didn’t like and/or threated the german population in poland well)

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I have 6 million questions about the Holocaust.

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My view ... ( which is not thoroughly researched, and from memory) is that lessons had been learned from the end of WWI about handling "The Narrative".

DURING WWI the populace had been led to believe that Huns were monsters and the war was being fought for principle.

Some of the cynicism of the '20s was due to the fact that Russia spilled the beans about it being fought for greed, territory, empire, that it had gone on for two years longer than necessary, with the concomitant loss of loved ones. They exposed the Sykes-Picot agreement.

This was because they had been enticed into the war with the promise of territory (in Manchuria?). But the West reneged: "you weren't there at the end of the war, were you? You went off to have a revolution in 1917."

The propaganda about WWII having been fought for all the "right" reasons was much better prepared, therefore, with film crews standing by to film the appalling conditions the Allies had created in Belsen etc. The directors were rewarded with fame and success.

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Apologies for the delay in replying, we are in a remote part of south east Asia with poor communication and no wifi for days, now more or less back in civilisation.

Thank you for your comment, but I feel you have done me a disservice.

Nowhere have I suggested that the Jews and other minorities were not badly treated.

Nowhere have I said that hundreds of thousands of minorities did not die.

What I have said is that they were not gassed, and that in fact strenuous efforts were made to keep them alive: note the examples of Ann and Otto Frank.

As a result of the quite unexpected reception of this publication, which has received massive readership — approaching 8,000 on Substack, and reprinted so far on unz.com and on websites in Australia and Germany (in German translation), I am now unwilling to return to my home country where I would risk being arrested for “hate crime”. To which I would only say, who in their right mind does not hate the state of Israel? How has the West come to the point that it is a crime to hate evil?

Not that it matters much. I have no desire to set foot in the UK until it gets a change of governance. Civilised countries where free speech is not a crime, China and Malaysia, suit me just fine.

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Any liberation.

One butcher was bad, but the second was much worse.

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I appreciate all this information, and I’m sorry it hasn’t been allowed out in the open for public discussion (but what else is new?)

However, in the name of public discussion, I’d like to discuss what appears to be the elephant in the room for the people in your camp, and that is the fact that the Jewish population of German controlled regions were being discriminated against and put in work camps, at all (not to mention the Poles, Romany, etc.). Even if one accepts the assertion by some that Ashkenazim are not Jewish at all, but descendants of Khazarian converts (even if most of them don’t know it), they’re still people! Yes, there’s the whole Zionist/Marxist thing, as well as disproportionate Jewish representation in the whole Deep State financial side of things - I get it. But those are still a relatively small percentage of a populace in the millions. Interning all of them because of a few evil members is no more honorable than when the U.S. rounded up all the Japanese in California because of a fear of enemy assets in the country. Think about this, now. You’re still talking about entire families being brutally loaded into railroad cars, stripped of all possessions, then split apart into different camps. What, exactly, are the young children and babies and elderly going to do in a work camp? This is not the first piece I’ve read trying to bring another angle into the discussion of Germany’s position during that era - and I appreciate it - but what is troubling are the numerous blind, hate-filled comments that follow. This is not the path to a brighter world, people. All Jewish people, all Israelis are not Zionists out to get their piece of the NWO pie. I would very much like to see your information brought out into the open, but if your readers can’t show themselves as being any more virtuous than the ‘Zionists’, then you’re going to have a hard time getting any sympathetic ears. Also, even dismissing the Ashkenazim as not being Jewish, there are still the Sephardic (true?) Jews - and the Scriptures make it very clear even into the New Testament (i.e. Romans 11) that God is not done with them, yet. Their day is salvation (many thousands have already believed) is coming.

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More and more people are now beginning to realise and speak out. I think the ongoing genocide by Israel and the blatant lies they, the media and Western governments are telling about it has opened people's eyes and made them think, if they can lie about this, when it is happening right in front of us, why would they tell the truth about somehting that allegedly happned 80 years ago. The holocaust, as presented in maninstream history, did not happen. It has been mathematically, chemically and documnetarily proven that it did not and could not have occured as portrayed. But, until now, everyone has been so terrified of being labelled anti-semitic they have not spoken out. In a lot of European countires it is, of course, a criminal offence. One should always have been asking the question - what other historical event is it a jailable offence for questioning? It does not make you anti-semitic to question history. It makes you a truthseeker and we need a lot more of those when virtuallyn everything we are told by governments and mainstream journalists is a lie.

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